Holistic dentistry is all about using safe, natural treatments for enhanced oral health. Instead of relying on chemicals and other unsafe treatments, health-conscious dentists incorporate safe treatments like ozone therapy into their everyday treatments. Balboa Island Dentistry in Newport Beach, California, uses ozone therapy to help you achieve a healthy smile without creating new problems in your body. Ozone therapy is a safe, precise, and side-effect-free treatment.
The oxygen (O2) we breathe is stable, but ozone isn’t. Ozone (O3) is energized or highly reactive oxygen with three molecules instead of two. The third molecule is unstable and tries to break off, which makes ozone one of the most potent antioxidants.
When this molecule breaks free and comes into contact with pathogens like viruses, fungi, or bacteria, it triggers an oxidative burst lethal to these disease-causing microorganisms. These pathogens have only a few antioxidant enzymes, if any, making them an easy target for ozone. When exposed to ozone’s oxidizing potential, these microorganisms almost break immediately. However, healthy cells remain intact, thanks to their antioxidant enzymes.
Ozone is such a vital component in dentistry because of its antimicrobial properties. This natural product also boosts blood flow and the body’s immunity to improve healing time. Ozone has numerous uses in dentistry, including:
Ozone uses are boundless! In addition to the above, ozone has proven effective in treating tooth sensitivity, inflamed jaws, and mouth sores.
To optimize your oral health with ozone therapy, please call (949) 673-7820 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Stephen Alfano in Newport Beach, CA.